Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism  
Volume 8, Issue 4: 44-53; July 25, 2018  
The Manifestation of Geometric Principles in the  
Traditional Architecture of the Monasteries; Case Study:  
Sheikh Shahab Al-Din Ahari Tomb and its Hidden  
Zeinab Nazer1 and Ahad Nejadebrahimi2  
Master of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture & Urban Design, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran  
Associate professor of Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran  
Corresponding author’s Email:  
ABSTRACT: The tomb of Sheikh Shahab al-Din Ahari was built in the 6th century AH and its evolution has taken  
place in the periods of the Ilkhani, Timurid, Safavid periods. Sheikh Shahab al-Din Ahari was the master of Sheikh  
Safi al-Din Ardebili (the Safavid's father). Because of the Safavids, they had a special respect for him, And there are  
manuscripts around the walls of the mosque of Sheikh Bahai, Shah Abbas III, Abolghasem Nabati, which shows the  
significance of this monastery during the Safavid period and before it. The unique features of the architecture  
suggest that the architect used the construction of geometric principles and the exact system of Iranian proportions.  
And considering that the study of the geometry of the Sheikh Shahab al-Din Ahari monastery, the tomb since the  
Ilkhanid era in East Azerbaijan, has not been carried out and because of the lack of clear exploratory resources some  
researches required considering the importance of the subject, geometric proportional analysis approach that seek to  
answer this question: which role geometry has played in the construction and development of the spatial elements of  
the monastery? Therefore, the study of analytical research and data collection tool to collect data and information  
have been used both field observations and library, and in order to revisit the geometric principles and proportions  
in this collection, geometrical analysis was carried out using geometric analysis, plan, facade and sectional analysis.  
The results of the analysis indicated that the architect of the building has had the required knowledge of the  
geometrical proportions and geometry systems that has used theme in selecting the scale of the construction and  
location of the main spaces, such as: large space under the dome (known as Ghosh khaneh), Chinese houses  
(Chinikhaneh), courtyard, Eyvan (porch) with two minarets and two small booth of two sides of the floor. The  
unveiling of hidden geometry in the design of the building reminds us of the privileged position of geometry in  
traditional architectural design, which helps to better understand traditional architecture.  
Keywords: Sacred, Geometry, Iranian, Architecture, Structural, Design.  
Din Ahari monastery (Pouraminian et al., 2014), and then  
the importance of traditional architecture geometry that  
was one of the most significant sciences that constituted  
the statue of architecture and most designers used  
geometric drawings as a scientific basis for their designs,  
because from the originality of traditional view, they have  
real aspects of eternity.  
Eternity is achieved by means of communication  
with a major goal through the world of eternal patterns  
and following the rules of variety of traditional arts. An  
artist who works within the tradition depicts his soul on  
the outer world, and with this hypothesis, the writers  
began to find hidden geometric relationships in this work,  
and eventually with a great deal of effort they managed to  
draw some geometrical relations in the design of the  
building that it can be expected the designer of the  
building also used such drawings to design this building.  
The past Iranian architecture always has been inspired by  
the use of geometry and accurate drawing methods, to the  
extent that knowledge of the rules of mathematics and the  
drawing and use of particular types of it was the duty of  
any architecture. The distinction between architects and  
their competition with each other was based on this basis.  
Therefore, it is concluded that the geometry of Iranian  
colonialism is important and the understanding of this  
feature in contemporary architecture and the relevance of  
the contemporary and tradition architecture are important  
1995; Molavi, 2002). The authors with the knowledge of  
the importance of geometry in the traditional architecture  
began with this hypothesis that the design of this work  
could not be formed without the use of geometry. At the  
first, because of the importance of the Sheikh Shahab el-  
To cite this paper: Nazer Z and Nejadebrahimi A (2018). The Manifestation of Geometric Principles in the Traditional Architecture of the Monasteries; Case Study: Sheikh  
Shahab Al-Din Ahari Tomb and its Hidden Geometry. J. Civil Eng. Urban., 8 (4): 44-53.  
Geometry or proportional geometry is a sacred art  
form due to its fundamental association with the  
Creation's principal laws. The visual expression of the  
order of these laws is best represented through the  
discipline of geometry. Geometry is both quantitative and  
qualitative in nature. Its quantitative dimension regulates  
the order and construction of design forms. Its qualitative  
nature sets the proportions of design forms and represents  
an expression of the order of the universe as a visual  
representation of the truth. Each figure or geometric  
shape, when seen from the perspective of its symbolic  
meaning, represents an echo of unity and a reflection of  
the values and principles within the larger frame beyond  
that unity (universal unity) (Ardalan and Bakhtiar, 2000).  
Seyyid Hossein Nasr (2004) argued that geometry and  
rhythm manifest a doctrine of unity which is central to  
Islam, upon which Islamic art developed based on  
mathematical ratios and proportions which represent the  
very heart of Islam (Kritchlow, 1976).  
Drawings in this research have been done through the  
architecture software, AutoCAD. The compilation of the  
materials in the theoretical discussions and the  
introduction of geometry and proportions from published  
researches on Islamic thought, such as the interpretation  
of the Holy Quran and the books of Muslim scholars.  
Geometric shapes drawings are based on the study and use  
of the book: Iranian geometry from Abu al-Wafa  
Bowdzhani (1990) and the treatise of Moftah al-Hasab  
from Ghiasoddin Kashani. Pictures and drawings of the  
building are provided by the authors. Then with  
considering the structure of the collection in different  
periods, and the importance of Ivan and Gonbadkhaneh,  
these two architectural elements have been introduced as  
the focal points of the building. And by assuming these  
points for geometric drawings, In order to achieve the  
geometry of the facade and the architectural plans for the  
geometrical review was carried out to identify the  
proportions set, and appropriate and acceptable responses  
that provided a clear and coordinated process.  
Geometry is the blueprint of the creation and the  
generator of all forms. It is a science that deals with  
numbers in space on four basic levels: the first one is  
arithmetic (pure numbers), i.e., any measurement or  
proportion is a geometrical measurement. The second  
level is numbers in space which represent proportional  
geometry. They reflect the meanings and “Ideas”. The  
third level is numbers in time, which is the foundation of  
music. The fourth level is numbers in space and time  
which represent the cosmology of the universe. Geometry  
explores and explains the patterns that unify and reveal  
the structure of the Creation within all natural patterns of  
growth or movement and their conformity with geometric  
shapes. All life forms emerge out of timeless geometric  
codes. Viewing and contemplating these codes allow us to  
understand the wisdom of the inner workings of the  
universe in order to fully comprehend and appreciate its  
beauty based on the concept of proportions. Ikhwan Al-  
Safa wrote, “One of our aims… consists of demonstrating  
clearly that the whole world is composed in conformity  
with arithmetical, geometrical, and musical relations.  
There, we have explained in detail the reality of universal  
Main elements of architecture and affiliated arts  
Geometry plays a fundamental role in design of  
Iranian architectural monuments. From the viewpoint of  
exterior functioning, the use of geometry as art for  
creation of shapes, patterns and proportions reminds the  
Great Architecture of the World and recalls the  
Archetypes. From the viewpoint of interior functioning,  
geometry as science for selection of structural dimensions  
such as height, length and width of the building and its  
structural elements governs the structural behaviour of the  
building, the behaviour that follows the geometry. The  
right geometry makes the building behave correctly.  
In order to create harmony and create reasonable  
proportions in the building, the index or source was  
determined and all dimensions were subjected to it.  
Peyman has been such an indicator in Iranian architecture  
and modular architecture in European architecture. In this  
architecture, Peyman focuses on living and space spaces, a  
tool for adjusting dimensions and sizes, and the geometry  
of the architectural guideline in providing discipline and  
harmony (Omranipour 2005, 27). The third element in  
architecture is a form. Pythagoras and his followers  
believed there is a relationship between numbers and  
forms. Islamic philosophers like the Muslim Brotherhood  
also believed in the emergence of the universe based on  
numbers. In their opinion, the intrinsic basis of this  
universe is the number, and therefore the number that in  
fact should be considered as pure quantity. But in this  
thinking, the meaning of the number is not the values used  
to measure physical quantities (Leveler, 1987, 20).  
In the presented paper, the authors attempt to clarify  
the formation of building form and plan with the help of  
geometric analysis. The universe was made to be the same  
as the unseen universe, and everything that has been made  
in this universe is a symbol of something in that world.  
The authors have used analytical method and information  
gathering tool in the field of observation and library use.  
To cite this paper: Nazer Z and Nejadebrahimi A (2018). The Manifestation of Geometric Principles in the Traditional Architecture of the Monasteries; Case Study: Sheikh Shahab  
Al-Din Ahari Tomb and its Hidden Geometry. J. Civil Eng. Urban., 8 (4): 44-53.  
A quantitative aspect of geometry  
Area (number)  
Forms (form)  
Qualitative aspect of geometry  
Chart 1. Derivatives from Guenon, 1361, pp. 38-45  
The primary three proportional roots √2, √3 and √5  
Arithmetic, geometric and harmonic proportions  
Circle, triangle, square, pentagon and shapes derived from them  
Chart 2. Main elements of architecture and related arts (Tahabaz, 2004)  
golden mean and the primary three proportional roots √2,  
Geometric proportional systems  
In architecture dating back to prehistory, particularly  
in Islamic arts and architecture, the most important  
geometric proportional systems are: the proportions of the  
√3 and √5, on which all Islamic arts and architectural  
forms, especially their geometric pattern design, are  
Table 1. Some geometric principles used in the architecture of the monasteries (authors)  
The main  
elements of  
geometry in  
order used in  
the building  
Description with an example  
The golden mean proportion is a proportional system whereby two elements are related to each other  
by a set proportion. Two segments of a line not equal to each other are related in a proportion:  
a/b=(a+b)/a (Figure 1). It is this unique point that divides the single line into segments with  
qualitative proportions. It is a reflection of multiplicity within unity in terms of geometry. If the line  
is divided into equal halves, the two segments would be a monotonous repetition of one and the  
same thing, neither multiplicity nor unity within the geometry.  
Figure 1. The golden mean proportion: a/b=(a+b)/A=1.61803.  
The root  
based on the  
The geometric  
order of plan  
and facade  
Figure 2. The successive constructions of the root proportions in proportional rectangles based on  
the diagonal of the square.  
The ratio of  
the lateral  
side to the  
radial side is  
The geometric  
order of the  
Figure 3.  
To cite this paper: Nazer Z and Nejadebrahimi A (2018). The Manifestation of Geometric Principles in the Traditional Architecture of the Monasteries; Case Study: Sheikh Shahab  
Al-Din Ahari Tomb and its Hidden Geometry. J. Civil Eng. Urban., 8 (4): 44-53.  
order and  
Figure 4. Geometry analysis of the View of the Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque in Isfahan  
(Haji Ghasemi, 1995)  
The geometric  
order of plan  
and facade  
Figure 5. In the above drawing, we divide the circle into eight equal parts. If we connect these  
points to the adjoining points, we will surely have a regular octagon. Now, if we connect points, two  
to two, four to four, and six to six, then two nested squares are obtained. The resulting octagon is  
related to Islamic architecture and arts.  
order of  
facade and  
Figure 6.  
The geometric  
order of plan  
and facade  
Which are inside a circle  
Figure 7.  
The geometric  
order of plan  
and façade and  
The circle  
Figure 8. The geometries examined above include circular geometry.  
The geometric  
order of plan  
and facade  
Figure 9. The geometries examined above are triangular geometry.  
To cite this paper: Nazer Z and Nejadebrahimi A (2018). The Manifestation of Geometric Principles in the Traditional Architecture of the Monasteries; Case Study: Sheikh Shahab  
Al-Din Ahari Tomb and its Hidden Geometry. J. Civil Eng. Urban., 8 (4): 44-53.  
Geometry Analysis at Sheikh Shahab al-Din  
Ahari Monastery  
Using geometry in design can be considered from  
two perspectives: 1. Finding important points and places  
in a way using geometric drawings, which is the main  
theme of the analysis in this article. These drawings can  
be studied in two levels in general. The first level involves  
the appearance of geometric shapes along the way. Like  
squares, octagons and regular polygons visible in plan,  
facade and detail. The second level analyzes geometric  
designs that determine the dimensions, direction and  
comonomy of previous levels, and are not at first sight.  
Using geometric drawings to obtain the values and  
proportions that determine the dimensions and proportions  
of the organs of the structure and its components, as seen  
in Egyptian and Greek architectural works. These  
drawings generally result in numerical results such as √3,  
√2, golden ratio, etc., and then these numerical ratios  
appear in dimensional forms. In this paper, we will look at  
this type of analysis as a sub-topic.  
Figure 12. Vertical section A-A Source: East Azerbaijan  
Cultural Heritage Organization  
Documents for hidden geometric order, at the first is  
performed on a three-dimensional model with considering  
the plan, view and cross-section simultaneously. The use  
of AutoCAD software eliminates the need for maps with  
variety of scales and increases the accuracy of the  
Figure 13. North View, Source: East Azerbaijan Cultural  
Heritage Organization  
Geometry in the facade  
The first form that attracts the attention is the golden  
ratio. The length of the ABCD square is approximately the  
width of the main porch and the other side of the square  
(BC-AD) to the vertex curve. By drawing the DE curve  
into a square diameter radius (BD), we see the golden  
proportions on the front of the main monument of the  
tomb, also by drawing the EK arc in the ABEF  
rectangular radius, the proportions of the end point of the  
main view K are obtained and, similarly, these proportions  
are visible in the small stands of the two floors of the  
faces of the GADJ and in the exterior of the Booths.  
Figure 10. The Monastery Plan, Source: East Azerbaijan  
Cultural Heritage Organization  
Draw 1. Golden proportions in the main facade of the  
monastery (North) Source: authors  
Referring to the radical proportions 2 in the table,  
taking into account the middle of the inscription of the  
porch (O) and drawing the peripheral circle and  
connecting O to E and F, the line segment BC becomes  
radical 2 times the segment AB and CD of the connection  
The point O is obtained at the H point (the end of the  
Figure 11. 3D vision, Source: East Azerbaijan Cultural  
Heritage Organization  
To cite this paper: Nazer Z and Nejadebrahimi A (2018). The Manifestation of Geometric Principles in the Traditional Architecture of the Monasteries; Case Study: Sheikh Shahab  
Al-Din Ahari Tomb and its Hidden Geometry. J. Civil Eng. Urban., 8 (4): 44-53.  
line). Also, from the intersection of the OB line with the  
peripheral circle, the point K is obtained, which specifies  
the edge of the minaret.  
Draw 2. Eyvan ratio to side frames is Radical 2. Source:  
Draw 4. The geometric analysis of the monastery facade  
has proportional proportions resulting from the division of  
the circle of the circumference of the face into 12 parts,  
Source: authors  
Preliminary drawings are required before the other  
key points are obtained. The first is drawing the  
equilateral triangle which represents the regular size of the  
facade, including the sides of the sides AB, BC, CT.  
And then draw the triangles equilateral triangle by  
drawing the FBD Shamse we have six hexagon ABCDEF  
environment FBCE rectangle like the picture. The vertex  
O corresponds to this hexagonal on the Avon inscription  
center. It is very common to draw a six-slice with this  
orientation in traditional Iranian architecture. For  
example, the 6-point basis for finding the optimum Ron  
(Pirnia, 2008, 136) is also a hexagonal base for drawing  
the Iranian golden rectangle (1): √3 And the intersection  
of AC and BD on minarets along the center line and the  
intersection of M and N coincide is an AC, DF, AE, DB  
with rectangular FBCE, rectangular porch environment  
F'B'C'E 'achieved.  
We obtain the GHIK rectangle from the 90 degrees  
rotation of FBCE rectangle and the intersection of the  
sides reveals the main points of the view. Refer to the  
method shown above for the entire view, by extending the  
12-edge geometry on the porch, appear the main points of  
the vault and the inscription.  
Draw 5. Eyvan (porch) geometric analysis monastery  
proportional ratios divided by the circle into 12 parts,  
Source: authors  
Draw 3.  
Draw 6. Geometric analysis with respect to triangulation.  
Source: authors  
To cite this paper: Nazer Z and Nejadebrahimi A (2018). The Manifestation of Geometric Principles in the Traditional Architecture of the Monasteries; Case Study: Sheikh Shahab  
Al-Din Ahari Tomb and its Hidden Geometry. J. Civil Eng. Urban., 8 (4): 44-53.  
Draw 7. The proportional ratios obtained by dividing the  
circle into 8 parts, Source: authors  
Draw 10. Geometric analyzes with respect to  
triangulation Source: authors  
Draw 8. Geometric analysis of faces with respect to  
triangulation, Source: authors  
Geometry on the plan  
Draw 11. Geometric analysis of the facade with respect to  
the regular octagon Source: authors  
The geometry of the golden proportions in the plan  
was based on the drawing of the square to the center of the  
large mosque ABCD and the drawing of the CG arrow to  
the square diameters (AC), the proportions of the main  
porch (rectangular BGHC) and the Chinese houses around  
the Grand Mosque (DCEF). Similarly, golden proportions  
can be deduced from the yard of the JIFL, the MNOP  
small mosque and the courtyard booths.  
Geometry of decorations  
One of the specialties of the Sheikh Shahab al-Din  
Ahari monastery is: On the sides of the eastern side, two  
flowers are carved into a gray stone piece. Two flowers  
consisting of "two parallel triangles" and a pyramidal  
circle that also corresponds to geometry in the main  
facade of the tomb.  
Draw 9. Geometric analyzes with respect to symmetry  
Figure 14. The eastern side of the Sheikh Shahab al-Din  
Source: authors  
Ahari tomb Source: authors  
To cite this paper: Nazer Z and Nejadebrahimi A (2018). The Manifestation of Geometric Principles in the Traditional Architecture of the Monasteries; Case Study: Sheikh Shahab  
Al-Din Ahari Tomb and its Hidden Geometry. J. Civil Eng. Urban., 8 (4): 44-53.  
Figure 18. Sample of sign on the Tombstone in the  
Sheikh Shahab al-Din tomb, Source: Authors  
Figure 15. Sample of hexagram of the eastern door in the  
Sheikh Shahab al-Din tomb, Source: Authors  
Figure 19. sample of sign on the Tombstone in the Sheikh  
Shahab al-Din tomb, Source: Authors  
The point in the Sheikh Shahab al-Din Ahari monastery  
and the monuments of the period and the subsequent  
periods is the significance of the sixth figure in the  
proportions and decorations that are clearly visible on the  
tombstones in the museum's decoration of a hexagram or a  
six-star filled in the eastern entrance door.  
The same figure is on the sides of the entrance to the  
tomb of “Sheikh Heydar Meshkin shahr” related to the  
period of 7th and 8th AH and on the tombstones of the  
“haft tanane Kalkhouran”, in the courtyard of the Sarabi  
Mosque, most of which are monuments such as graves  
and tombstones, and the mosque and tomb to "Advar  
Ilkhani "is attributed. In addition, the Hexagram or six  
stars has an old role in the architecture of the Mogul and  
Ilkhan. The coins of the Ilkhan period are of particular  
importance to researchers in terms of the variety of  
content and patterns of information they bring.  
Figure 16. Decorative sample in Sheikh Shahab al-Din  
tomb, Source: authors  
The coins of the Ilkhan period are of particular  
importance to researchers in terms of the variety of  
content and patterns of information they bring. Coins are  
an important part of archeological documents and  
evidence for the clear gray aspects of the history and  
civilization of the ancient nations and peoples. Since the  
content of the coins has since been devised to reflect the  
culture, art and religion, social and political relations, the  
Figure 17. Sample of sign on the Tombstone in the  
Sheikh Shahab al-Din tomb, Source: Authors  
To cite this paper: Nazer Z and Nejadebrahimi A (2018). The Manifestation of Geometric Principles in the Traditional Architecture of the Monasteries; Case Study: Sheikh Shahab  
Al-Din Ahari Tomb and its Hidden Geometry. J. Civil Eng. Urban., 8 (4): 44-53.  
economic situation, the language and the customs, the  
customs and cultural geography of different lands and the  
precise and undeniable sources of periods of human  
history and culture. That evidence show the presence of  
the star of David in the center of coins, the doorway to the  
monasteries and in decorations, shows the support of  
Jewish religion towards Islam during this period.  
analyzing geometric proportions is one of the most  
important and fundamental issues of traditional  
architectural research, which is less archeologically  
considered, and for the creation of works that are the true  
continuation of valuable architectural paths, the first step  
is to get proper and adequate knowledge of it and its type  
of architecture.  
The current study aimed to find out the geometry of  
Sheikh Shahab al-din Ahari Monastery by its designer.  
The aim was to readout geometry and the proportions of  
the main facade (the north facade) and the architectural  
plan and decorations. The result showed that the architect  
has had knowledge about the systems of alignment and  
geometric drawings, since in finding the architectural  
elements in the plan, the layout of the architectural  
elements in the plan, the fit between the architectural  
spaces and the creation of decorations on the basis of  
principles Geometric and excellent proportions.  
In recognition of the geometry of the building, a  
hexagonal, triangular, and accurate golden proportions in  
plan and facade are praised and golden proportions and  
Iranian proportions are in perfect development with each  
other that have been merged.  
Authors’ Contributions  
All authors contributed equally to this work.  
Considering the evolution of the monastery in  
different periods, in the architectural dimension, it is  
closely related to the proportions and geometry of the plan  
in the eastern part, where the tomb plan is perfectly  
symmetrical in the northern axis of the south. And the  
most striking architectural feature of the extension of the  
patriarch can be found in these cases are: to adopt a kind  
of space commitment in merging new and initial segments  
with the application of pre-considered geometric  
principles, observance of the fit between the dimensions  
of the spaces according to the principles of standing  
together with the fit between the spaces and considering  
the performance of these spaces to meet the physical and  
mental needs of its users, and on the other hand, with  
regard to the arrays in the courtyard, workstations on the  
west side of the courtyard, which are completely different  
from the east side of the east side, make it possible to  
attribute the original body of the tomb to this section.  
Therefore, with regard to the architectural extension  
of the building and the recognition of the main elements  
of this architecture, we have chosen the focal points as the  
default for achieving the structural geometry of the  
building, and the regular twelve-dimensional geometric,  
octagonal and golden proportions in the drawings process  
are reasonable and fitted to the resulting, and then aligned  
with the view of the building. In recognition of the  
geometric shapes of the building, a regular twelve-  
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To cite this paper: Nazer Z and Nejadebrahimi A (2018). The Manifestation of Geometric Principles in the Traditional Architecture of the Monasteries; Case Study: Sheikh Shahab  
Al-Din Ahari Tomb and its Hidden Geometry. J. Civil Eng. Urban., 8 (4): 44-53.