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Partner Journal
Volume 3 : Issue 2, March 2013
Table of Content, 30 March 2013
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HVOTL Associated Risks and Real Estate Investment in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria |
Original Article, C07 Abstract:High Voltage Overhead Transmission Lines (HVOTLs) associated risks have been thought to foster potential risks elements capable of creating property value diminution when located within the built environment. This current attempt identifies and evaluates particular risk elements attributable to HVOTLs within a perpendicular distance of 200m in residential neighbourhoods within Alimosho and Surulere neigbourhoods in Lagos metropolis using survey method. Data retrieved from residents within a 200meters distance perpendicular to power lines in the study areas of Lagos metropolis were analyzed and interpreted using the relative importance index. The study established that within the study areas, all nine risk elements were found significant but within varing extents. The study suggests that ROWs in the state must be enforced and respected by the public while erring individuals be sanctioned and their buildings demolished by State and Federal governments actions. This is crucial in promoting the sustainability of real estate investments. |
The Effect of Excessive High-Rise Buildings on Hydraulic Performance of Water Distribution Network for the City of Ahar |
Original Article, C08 Abstract: Regarding the population growth and city development at Ahar city, old houses in lanes and alleys of Ahar city are changing into high-rise buildings and in most of them the regulations are violated. This issue has created a lot of problems for the inhabitants. Our aim in the present research is to study the effects of constructing high-rise buildings without observing the regulations of the comprehensive city design in Ahar city on the performance of water distribution network. Thus, the hydraulic status of the network was simulated for different conditions before and after constructions and they were assessed by using Fuzzy Reliability Index (FRI), Hydraulic Benefit In Terms of Adequate Nodal Pressure (HBNP), and Hydraulic Benefit In Terms of Satisfactory Demand (HBSD). The results showed that water distribution network of Ahar city enjoyed from a good performance after the constructions being carried out. Meanwhile, this network faced shortage of pressure in some areas before the constructions and these constructions have made the problem more severe. If the present trend in constructions violating the comprehensive city design continues, the hydraulic performance of the network will be endangered because it has been concentrated in certain areas of the city. For example, the pressure in node 56 will decrease to 6.24 m. from 22.61 m. and the areal amount of Fuzzy Reliability Index will be reduced to 0.13 from 0.24. Keywords: High-Rise Building Construction, Comprehensive City Design, Water Distribution Network, Hydraulic Reliability Index |
Effect of Wedge Shape Deflector on Dissipating Energy in Triangular Flip Buckets |
Original Article, C09 Abstract: Ski jumps are a major element of each dam spillway because these are the only structures able to accomplish satisfactory energy dissipation for takeoff velocities in excess of some 20 m/ s. When water flows over spillways or the dam bottom outlets, flow has a height velocity. In such conditions it has a lot of kinetic energy. In order to dissipate this destructive energy, energy dissipater should be constructed. If geology condition in downstream is appropriate, flip bucket can be used, particularly for height dams. This structure to loss kinematic energy is a cheap method and safer than other ordinary energy dissipaters such as hydraulic basins and roller buckets to employ deflector, is one way to increase energy dissipation in this structure. Deflector is a wedge-shaped structure which creates changes in part of flow trajectory. To investigate the effect of deflector on energy dissipation, an experimental setup has been developed in the Hydraulic Laboratory of Shahid Chammran, Iran. In this research program, the 45 degree bucket with 7 cm approach channel at the end of ogee spillway was divided into two trajectories by deflector. Data analysis showed that the clash between these two trajectories increases energy dissipation in flip bucket. Maximum observed energy dissipation was 70.3% that it occurred in the Froude number 6.7, deflector angle of 25 degree and the side with 12-cm-length. |
Influence of Effluent Discharge on Water Quality and Level for Chalk Aquifer in Hampshire, South-East England |
Original Article, C10 Abstract: Carbonate rocks form important subsurface aquifers in many areas around the world, especially north-west Europe where the Chalk is a primary source of potable water. Chalk is the most widely exploited aquifers in the United Kingdom for public water supply and Chalk groundwater play an important role in the maintenance of flow both in natural and international hydrological systems. Data on water level and effluent discharge concentration of extracted pore-water from core logged at various depths from boreholes (within the Morestead Road Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) discharge site) were investigated to determine Chalk groundwater quality changes due to the effluent discharge and the discharge volume of nearby New Alresford site correlated with measured depths to groundwater levels. It was observed that recharge occur mainly by matric flow through pore spaces and matric pulse, while in very few cases flow may have been enhanced by fissures. However, during winter months, high volumes of effluent discharge in addition to intense rainfall sessions cause a rapid decrease in depth to the groundwater level and keep the unsaturated zone matric potentials relatively high. This we suggest to be as a result of fracture flow initiated more quickly in response to the rainfall events than in normal ‘undisturbed’ chalk. Although the concentration of chloride and nitrate were relatively high, infiltration of water through the unsaturated zone helped reduce the concentration of inorganic ions as a result of dilution. Therefore, this work concluded that recharge of sewage effluent to the Chalk of the Hampshire area is an effective and practical way of recovering and reusing water sustainably, representing valuable contribution to the conservation of water resources. |
Comparison of Different Methods for Linear Regression of Pseudo Second Order Adsorption Kinetics of Cadmium |
Original Article, C11 ABSTRACT:The present paper would discuss the four linear regression of kinetic model of pseudo second order to describe the adsorption phenomenon. The adsorption parameters have been estimated by means of nonlinear method of pseudo second order as well as four linear regression methods are assessed. The results showed that, the nonlinear method of pseudo second order is a suitable method in estimating of adsorption parameters. A type 1 pseudo second order linear kinetic model has the highest coefficient of determination. It was also found that, among the regression methods, all of them except the regression type 2 would be useful recommendation for estimation of adsorption parameters. |
Comparison of Numerical and Analytical Solutions for Breakthrough Curve Modeling |
Original Article, C12 ABSTRACT:Study of contaminant transport in soil is of primary importance from a various environmental points of view. A modeling study is reported here for simulation of bromide transport. Four soil samples including disturbed and un-disturbed clay-loam and sandy-loam soil were analyzed through bromide injection and modeling contaminant breakthrough curve. Analytical and numerical solutions were applied through using CXTFIT and HYDRUS models, respectively, and compared to simulate the mechanism of bromide transport. The obtained results reveal that the analytical solutions offer more accuracy than the numerical solutions for modeling contaminant transport. This may be attributed to the simplifications of the numerical solutions. |