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Volume 5 (1); January 25, 2015
Research Paper
The Investigation of Various Kinds of Guardian Structures, their Economics and Technical Comparison in Some of Under Construction Buildings in Ahwaz City.
Abbasi Dezfouli A., Seyed Aghamiri S.T.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(1): 01-06, 2015; pii:S225204301500001-5
Lack of planting guardian structure in the time of drilling and excavation in high-density spots of urban is one of the issues that bring life and financial losses. In this study, various kinds of planting guardian structures by using a series of vast studies and interviewing with expert executives in different dimensions specifically it has been investigated from the point of view of construction management and has been considered the special environmental status of the city of Ahwaz. The present study is kind of a fundamental one that firstly it has been collected by studying the researches and updated articles, the presented instructions about the construction management and execution of guardian structure, and then documenting of information has been done by studying and through surveying of under construction structures, ultimately consulting with the executives and prominent professors has led us to provide solutions for choosing the best suited methods of guardian structures both economic and technical. The results of this research indicate that for any depth of excavation up to 10 meters regarding to the type of soil and the level of underground water, the suited guardian structure which is economic and technical among different methods, truss guardian structure and Reciprocal inhibition for different excavation surfaces is a good solution for the issue of construction in Ahwaz.
Keywords: Guardian Structure, Excavation, Inhibition, Construction Management
Simulationof Thermal Stratification and Salinity in Dam Reservoir Using CE-QUAL-W2 Software (Case study: Baft Dam).
Ebrahimi M., Jabbari E., Abbasi H.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(1): 07-11, 2015; pii:S225204301500002-5
Thermal stratification and salinity is one of the most important problems which affect quality of the reserved waters in dams. In the present research, using the 2D and hydrodynamic software CE-QUAL-W2 and given the different flows (low water, normal and high water), thermal stratification and salinity have been studied. It has been concluded that a thermal stratification occurs for 9 months of the year, which starts in early April and reaches its peak in August and September (with a temperature difference of about 19℃ between super stratums an substratum), while complete mixing occurs mostly in February to March. In addition, the results suggest presence of salinity stratification simultaneous with thermal stratification. The greatest amount of salinity is found to be 307mg/L which given the desirable maximum (i.e.500mg/L) indicates a desirable state for the Baft dam reservoir in terms of drinking and agricultural water. Also water quality in the intakes of the Baft dam has been investigated which for a major part indicates the water’s desirable quality in the intakes. To increase quality of the Baft dam reservoir and to prevent its short life, such actions as discharge of the lower layers in September (thermal stratification peak) and in January (before mixing process), disturbing the thermal stratification created in the reservoir and the output water aeration from the intakes by the conventional methods can be taken.
Keywords: Baft dam, CE-QUAL-W2 Software, Thermal Stratification, Salinity
Research Paper
The Role of Citizen Participation in Renovation and Rehabilitation of Urban Ancient Texture (Case Study: Region 6 Ancient Texture in Qaemshahr, Iran).
Bararpur S., Akhtarshenas Y.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(1): 12-15, 2015; pii:S225204301500003-5
This research emphasis the role of citizen participation in renovation and rehabilitation; And attempt to measurement the public partnership in the case study region that it's region 5 ancient texture in Qaemshahr. In this research pay to the region recognition and evaluation with the measurement and analytical method, and using measurement studies by using the questionnaire and participatory interview and essential interview, and use the observation, interview, documents method, analysis, case research methods. The statistical society are 10710 persons that 124 questionnaire sampled among this society. According to the result of measurement the participation in region 5 ancient texture, all of the region 5 occupant’s would like to participate in their neighbourhood development. Rehabilitation and renovation must be fulfilling in this region for solving physical and functional ancient. Accept the citizen participation is the best way for rehabilitation and renovation in this region.
Keywords: Citizen Participation, Rehabilitation and Renovation, Ancient Texture, Qaemshahr
Research Paper
The Assessment of Urban Furniture for the Disabled (Case Study: Shiraz City and Large Park).
Davarinezhad M., Rahnama M.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(1): 16-21, 2015; pii:S225204301500004-5
Suiting urban area for physical and motor disabled is considered as justice-centered approaches in planning and urban management. However, many urban public areas such as streets, parks and city centers in most cities like Shiraz face with the problem of inappropriate spaces for the disabled. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to analysis and pathology of urban furniture in downtown and Shiraz Grand Park and present strategies for suiting these spaces to the Disabled. Methodology of this study is applicable with the aim of research and analytical-descriptive with the framework research that has been made in downtown and the Grand Park of Shiraz in the gauging method. Data collection tools are providing questionnaires, interview and observation.
Keywords: Urban Furniture, Suiting Space, The Disabled, Shiraz
Research Paper
Internal Development, a Strategy for Revitalization of Urban Distressed Areas: Distressed Areas of Zanjan City (Case Study).
Meshkini A., Ahadnezhad Rooshti M., Heydari T.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(1): 22-26, 2015; pii:S225204301500005-5
The urban population growth has a long history in Iran. Because of increase in population and the massive immigrations to the towns, the possibility of detailed planning for achieving the different needs of employment, accommodation, education, and health has been decreased. Therefore, the indiscriminate and uncontrolled expansion of cities has led to damage to the urban fabric in terms of spatial coherence and appropriate distribution of services. Nowadays, given the importance of conserving natural resources and reducing the environmental effects of uncontrolled urban development, internal development has been proposed as an approach to urban planning. However, this study aimed to enhance the productivity, optimize the urban land uses, and make possible the internal development of urban distressed areas in Zanjan province in order to meet the needs of the city and prevent from physical unbalanced development. For this purpose, library resources, documents, and field reviews was studied to investigate the internal development in this urban distressed areas of Zanjan province. The results of developed pattern for internal development of urban distressed areas showed valuable results about the expandable lands of these areas (2,054 pieces, 822,895.5 square meters, or 82 hectares). In addition to meeting the needs of current applications, it would be effective in creating continuity between adjacent areas and would prevent the physical development of Zanjan province.
Keywords: Internal Development, Distressed Areas, Zanjan City
Research Paper
Evaluation of the Vibrational Properties of Three-Span Continuous Concrete Bridge by Dynamic Finite Element Method.
Pouraminian M., Amarlou M., Pourbakhshian S., Khodayari R.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(1): 27-30, 2015; pii:S225204301500006-5
This study follows two objectives: first, determining the effect of defining master dynamic degrees of freedom on vibrational properties and increase structure analysis running speed, and second, estimation of response accuracy and vibrational properties of simplified dynamic finite element model of the bridge by one-dimensional elements and lump masses. After designing simplified model of bridge with nine lump masses, the estimation error rate in dominated period of the structure is examined in both accurate model and lump mass. The mass and stiffness matrices derived from analysis of ANSYS software are also shown. The responses of accurate and simplified models are studied, and it was observed that the simplified finite element model has reasonable estimation of vibrational properties of the bridge.
Keywords: Concrete Bridge, Dynamic Finite Elements, Mass Matrix, Stiffness Matrix, Master Dynamic Degree of Freedom, ANSYS
Research Paper
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Effect of PET Recycling Admixtures on Pore Water Pressure and Output Discharge in Homogeneous Earth Dams.
Ahmad Zadeh Touri R., Pourbakhshian S., Pouraminian M.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(1): 31-34, 2015; pii:S225204301500007-5
This study analytically and experimentally investigates the leakage in homogenous earth dam (clay) reinforced by recycled PET. First, the effect of PET addition on permeability of clay in geotechnical laboratory is evaluated, according to the results of first step, a physical model of homogenous earth dam is prepared in laboratory flume, both in PETs or without PETs and measured the water height in dam body using piezometers installed on flume body and also leakage discharge was calculated. Third, phreatic line formed in the body of dam and the pore pressure of it was analyzed regarding the first and second phases. The impact of output discharge reduction on dam stability was also studied in software; PET addition impact on output discharge reduction was 23.14%. Discharge reduction lead to increase of dam stability.
Keywords: Homogenous Earth Dam, Permeability Test, Physical Model, PLAXIS, PET
Research Paper
Slope Stability Analysis by Shear Strength Reduction Method.
Farshidfar N., Nayeri A.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(1): 35-37, 2015; pii:S22520430150008-5
This research uses the shear strength reduction method to study soil slopes stability. In this method shear strength is considered to be reduced as less as failure occurs. It uses Plaxis, which is capable of calculating deformations rates and safety factors by gaining geometry data of a problem and soil specifications and using the finite element method (FEM). The analysis is performed at both static and pseudo-static modes. The effects of different parameters on slopes stability are shown by performing several analyses. Finally, the analyses performed by this method are compared with the ones obtained by finite difference method (FDM).
Keywords: Finite Differential Method, Finite Element Method, Limit Equilibrium Method, Shear Strength Reduction, Soil slopes, Plaxis, Pseudo-Static.