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Volume 6 (5); 25 September, 2016
Particle Packing Density Approach for Design of Concrete Mixes Using Marble Waste.
Kore S.D. and Vyas AK.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 6(5): 78-83, 2016; pii:S225204301600010-6
The particle packing density approach was followed to design the concrete mix. In this study, 75% conventional coarse aggregate was replaced by aggregate produced from marble waste and fine aggregate were replaced by up to 25% at a 5% increment by fine aggregate produced from marble waste. The water-cement ratio was kept 0.45 for all the mixes. The test results revealed that, workability of concrete mix increases as the percentage of marble waste as fine aggregate increased. The compressive strength of concrete mix containing 20% replacement of fine aggregate by marble powder shows maximum strength than that of control concrete, which is 9% more as compared to that of control concrete. The optimum percentage of replacement of marble waste by fine aggregate was 20%. From the experimental investigation it was observed that, conventional coarse aggregate can be replaced by 75% and fine aggregate can be replaced by 20% aggregate produced from marble waste. The concrete mixes, prepared by using aggregates produced from marble waste showed the economy in concrete production with 11% savings in overall production cost of concrete. The utilization of marble waste as replacement for aggregate in concrete mixes resulted in conservation of natural resources.
Key words: Packing density, Marble Waste, Cement-Concrete, Economy
Review of Nanotechnology Applications in Science and Engineering.
Mobasser Sh and Firoozi AA.
J. Civil Eng. Urban., 6(5): 84-93, 2016; pii:S225204301600011-6
Nanotechnology is helping to considerably improve, even revolutionize, many technology and industry sectors: information technology, energy, environmental science, medicine, homeland security, food safety, and transportation, among many others. Today's nanotechnology harnesses current progress in chemistry, physics, materials science, and biotechnology to create novel materials that have unique properties because their structures are determined on the nanometer scale. This paper summarizes the various applications of nanotechnology in recent decades.
Keywords: Nanotechnology, Environmental Science, Agriculture, Food safety, Engineering.
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